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Tom Street Bags Second Place in Bodybuilding Competition

Tom Street Bags Second Place in Bodybuilding Competition

Peter Upton26 Nov 2014 - 14:46
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Tom's first outing into the Body Building World is a great success!

Former Warlingham Rugby Club captain Tom Street was awarded Second place in the recent Miami Pro body building Championship held at the New Theatre, Wimbledon. This was the first competition Mr Street had entered and to sedure second place was a great achievement. A PE master at John Fisher School, Mr Street has played rugby at Warlingham for several years after completing his degree at the prestigious Loughborough University.

After the presentation of his award Mr Street said, "The differences in getting fit for rugby and body building are pole apart. It's taken me six months of intensive specific training and a strict diet to get myself in competition fitness. I've put in many hours to get into top condition and I'd like to thank my fiancee Molly, and our daughter Summer, for their patience whilst I've taken time out from the
family to take part today. I'm really pleased to get second but it's given me another goal - to do one better next time!"

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